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2019 Releases


Washington, DC, December 16, 2019 – This morning, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition by the city of Boise to review the case Martin v. Boise (formerly Bell v. Boise). This leaves in place earlier rulings by the 9th Circuit that homeless persons cannot be punished for sleeping outside on public property in the absence of adequate alternatives. People experiencing unsheltered homelessness—at least in the 9th Circuit—can sleep more safely without facing criminal punishment for simply trying to survive on the streets. Washington, DC, December 4, 2019 – Yesterday, it was announced that Robert Marbut would be named as the [...]

2019 Releases2022-09-29T10:56:07-04:00

2015 Releases


Washington, D.C. - On December 10, 2015 the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty issued its annual report card on the human right to housing in the U.S., praising the progress if the federal government in addressing the criminalization of homelessness, but condemning its ongoing failure to stem the tide of homelessness by ensuring adequate, affordable housing in available to all. Washington, D.C. - On December 9, 2015 the Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, published a newsletter encouraging law enforcement to promote alternatives to the criminalization of homelessness. The newsletter, which reaches more then [...]

2015 Releases2019-02-12T16:05:38-05:00

Court Strikes Down Citations and Fees as Cruel and Excessive Punishment


Court Strikes Down Citations and Fees as Cruel and Excessive Punishment U.S. District Court of Oregon Finds Civil and Criminal Punishments for Homelessness Unconstitutional FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty Karianna Barr, Director of Development & Communications 202-638-2535 Oregon Law Center Ed Johnson, Director of Litigation 503-998-2133 (July 29, 2020, Medford, Oregon) – On July 22, people experiencing homelessness in Grants Pass, Oregon—and across the Ninth Circuit—won further support for their right to survive. The U.S. District Court in the District of Oregon issued [...]

Court Strikes Down Citations and Fees as Cruel and Excessive Punishment2021-09-02T08:43:55-04:00

IJT – June 2019


June 2019 SUBSCRIBE Dear Friends— Earlier this month, at our annual National Forum on the Human Right to Housing, participants from around the country came together to share ideas, strategies, and inspiration to move forward our work for Housing Not Handcuffs. It was an amazing group of people. Participants included homeless and formerly homeless people whose lives have been directly affected by both criminalization and the lack of housing; police officers who stand with us in support of housing not handcuffs; lawyers and [...]

IJT – June 20192021-12-17T06:16:18-05:00

IJT – June 2021


June, 2021 SUBSCRIBE Dear Friends— This weekend marks Juneteenth, commemoration of the day–two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation–enslaved persons in Galveston, Texas were informed of its existence. Our country's legacy of racism continues to this day. Homelessness and the carceral system disproportionately affect Black and Brown persons and are systems of ongoing racial oppression. We are grateful for the work of our peer organizations, such as Denver Homeless Out Loud, which use their platforms to highlight the deep connection between the issue of homelessness and all forms of [...]

IJT – June 20212021-09-02T08:40:38-04:00

2020 Releases


Washington, DC, December 16, 2019 – This morning, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition by the city of Boise to review the case Martin v. Boise (formerly Bell v. Boise). This leaves in place earlier rulings by the 9th Circuit that homeless persons cannot be punished for sleeping outside on public property in the absence of adequate alternatives. People experiencing unsheltered homelessness—at least in the 9th Circuit—can sleep more safely without facing criminal punishment for simply trying to survive on the streets. National Homelessness and Housing Organizations Respond to USICH Report 10 national organizations, representing advocates and leaders [...]

2020 Releases2022-09-29T10:55:26-04:00

2014 Releases


The National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) is partnering with the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (Law Center) to provide members of the media, congressional staff, and activists an opportunity to meet Arnold Abbott and shed light on the national issue of criminalization of people who are homeless and those who are helping them. Arnold Abbott, the internationally renowned activist for homeless people, will be the event’s main speaker. Mr. Abbott has received significant media attention in the past two months for openly refusing to abide Fort Lauderdale, FL’s new law that criminalizes the act of sharing food with homeless and needy [...]

2014 Releases2019-04-17T13:50:11-04:00

IJT – August 2020


August, 2020  SUBSCRIBE Dear Friends— You may have already seen two pieces of momentous and exciting news about the Law Center. First, the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty is becoming the National Homelessness Law Center, effective immediately. And, after 31 years at the helm, I will be stepping down as Executive Director at the end of this year. The name change is easy. We are simplifying and streamlining our name, but our mission remains the same: to use the power of the law [...]

IJT – August 20202020-12-17T10:07:42-05:00

IJT – January 2021


January, 2021  SUBSCRIBE Dear Friends— Here in the Nation’s Capital, I feel both fear and hope as we enter the new year. The siege on the Capitol brought into sharp relief the racism and hate that drive so many of the challenges we face—as a country and in our work at the Law Center. The failure of police response, especially compared to the overwhelming law enforcement presence at racial justice protests, made crystal clear the bigotry built into debates over “public safety.” And the [...]

IJT – January 20212021-01-19T16:55:47-05:00



Homelessness Action Legal Team What is HALT? The Homelessness Action Legal Team (HALT) is a national legal community serving and protecting the unhoused community and those at risk of becoming unhoused. HALT members serve as core support for the National Homelessness Law Center to achieve our mission to fearlessly advance federal, state, and local policies to prevent and end homelessness while fiercely defending the rights of all unhoused persons. Through membership in HALT, the Law Center offers law firms and corporate legal departments many opportunities to leverage pro bono legal services. HALT members participate in the [...]

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