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So far Crystal Letona has created 16 blog entries.
18 06, 2020

Fighting for Policies to Make Real Change


Fighting for Policies to Make Real Change George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and Ahmaud Arbery. We at the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty say these names to remember these lives that were recently so brutally cut short—adding to the killings of so many others before them. As we said last week, as an organization committed to using the power of the law to end homelessness in America, the Law Center has a special responsibility to also call out and fight the structural racism that led to their recent brutal killings. This means not only [...]

Fighting for Policies to Make Real Change2021-09-02T08:44:52-04:00
3 06, 2020

Can’t Stay Home, Can’t Keep Curfew


Can’t Stay Home, Can’t Keep Curfew: People Experiencing Homelessness Caught in Pandemic, Curfews, Violence National Advocates Renew Call for Housing Safety FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Crys Letona Communications Associate cletona@homelesslaw.org (June 2, 2020, Washington, D.C.) – People experiencing homelessness in the United States—already at heightened risk and with fewer resources due to the pandemic—now face even greater challenges as a result of both the violence sweeping many city streets and the curfews many are imposing in an effort to control. While people take to the streets [...]

Can’t Stay Home, Can’t Keep Curfew2021-09-02T08:45:02-04:00
2 06, 2020

Statement on Recent Killings of Unarmed Black Americans


Statement on Recent Killings of Unarmed Black Americans The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty condemns the recent brutal killings George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and Ahmaud Arbery—and of so many others before them. Our thoughts are with their families, their friends, and their communities. We know this violence has caused tremendous pain to Black Americans and other people of color across the country, including in our own organization and networks. We condemn not only these racist actions, but also the system of institutionalized white supremacy from which they stem. As an organization committed to [...]

Statement on Recent Killings of Unarmed Black Americans2021-09-02T08:47:01-04:00
19 05, 2020

IJT – May 2020


May 2020 SUBSCRIBE Dear Friends— May is when we typically hold an event to honor and appreciate the contributions of our LEAP members to our mission to use the power of the law to end and prevent homelessness in America. This year, the pandemic means that instead of an in-person event, we will be kicking off a series of virtual events to highlight their pro bono work and financial support. We’ll be paying special tribute to the extraordinary work LEAP members are doing to help [...]

IJT – May 20202020-05-19T15:17:24-04:00
13 05, 2020

California Introduces First-in-the-Nation Amendment to Recognize Housing as a Human Right 


California Introduces First-in-the-Nation Amendment to Recognize Housing as a Human Right Poll Shows Majority of Californians Support FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Crys Letona Communications Associate cletona@homelesslaw.org (May 13, 2020, Sacramento, CA) – May 11, California became the first state in the country to officially propose amending their constitution to recognize the human right to housing. President Franklin Roosevelt first proposed recognizing housing in his “Second Bill of Rights” speech as part of addressing the Great Depression, and now, on the brink of a COVID-induced economic crisis, in a state [...]

California Introduces First-in-the-Nation Amendment to Recognize Housing as a Human Right 2021-09-02T08:46:52-04:00
1 05, 2020

Homeless plaintiffs seek emergency federal court order


Homeless Plaintiffs Seek Emergency Federal Court Order to Stop Towing and Impoundment of Vehicle Homes during COVID-19 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Crys Letona cletona@homelesslaw.org (May 1, 2020, Washington, D.C.) – People living in vehicles in the City of San Diego—many with disabilities that increase the risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19—seek an emergency court order preventing the City from criminalizing living in vehicles and to stop towing and impoundment of vehicle homes during the COVID-19 outbreak. Represented by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (“Law Center”), Disability Rights [...]

Homeless plaintiffs seek emergency federal court order2021-09-02T08:45:10-04:00
23 04, 2020

CDC’s Prescription: Individual Housing for People Experiencing Homelessness During COVID-19 and Beyond


CDC’s Prescription: Individual Housing for People Experiencing Homelessness During COVID-19 and Beyond FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Crys Letona cletona@homelesslaw.org (April 23, 2020, Washington, D.C.) – This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their official guidance on COVID-19 to include sheltered homeless populations, stating, “Depending on resources and staff availability, non-group housing options (such as hotels/motels) that have individual rooms should be considered for the overflow, quarantine, and protective housing sites.” The CDC’s guidance for unsheltered populations already emphasizes that “Unless individual housing units are available, do [...]

CDC’s Prescription: Individual Housing for People Experiencing Homelessness During COVID-19 and Beyond2021-09-02T08:45:20-04:00
22 04, 2020

IJT – April 2020


April 2020 SUBSCRIBE Dear Friends— I hope you, your family, and your friends are safe and well. So many people in our country and around the world are not. Many have lost their lives, and many more have fallen ill. Even more have lost their jobs, health care, or homes. People who are homeless are among the hardest hit by the crisis we are all experiencing. As I wrote last month, they are exceptionally vulnerable due to poor health, lack of insurance [...]

IJT – April 20202021-09-02T08:45:36-04:00
16 04, 2020



GLOBAL STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY AND ACTIONTO #ProtectTheUnhoused FROM COVID-19 The associations together call for groups such as the homeless, migrants, whether housed or not, and other groups who have to survive in precarious conditions to be priority groups for screening at Covid-19, given their high vulnerability. These men and women run a real risk of being contaminated by the virus and their precarious living environment is an aggravating risk factor. The lack of attention for this specific population can only aggravate the epidemiological situation. Urgent and priority measures must be taken to screen and support these populations, and stem [...]

27 03, 2020

CARES Act Provides Some COVID-19 Protections For Homeless Populations, But There Is More To Do


CARES Act Provides Some COVID-19 Protections For Homeless Populations, But There Is More To Do FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Crys Letona 202-638-2535 x 109 cletona@homelesslaw.org (March 27, 2020, Washington, D.C.) – Today, the House of Representatives passed the CARES Act, ensuring—amongst other provisions—that our unhoused neighbors are protected and that those at risk of becoming homeless are safe. The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (The Law Center) is grateful that the final Stimulus bill includes $4 billion in funding and protections for [...]

CARES Act Provides Some COVID-19 Protections For Homeless Populations, But There Is More To Do2021-09-02T08:45:44-04:00
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