Homeless Advocates Group
For 20 years, the Law Center has facilitated a network of 33 allies who share our priority of preventing and ending homelessness. In recognition that this problem crosses issue lines of poverty, hunger, education, mental health, social services, domestic violence, veterans, and health, this diverse group pools knowledge and networks. The resulting focus on national level policy means that our work collectively is greater than what we could achieve alone.
American Bar Association
American Psychological Association
Catholic Charities USA
Center for American Progress
Center for Social Innovation
Community Solutions
Corporation for Supportive Housing
Family Homelessness
Family Promise
Feed the Children
First Focus
Full Frame Initiative
Healthcare for the Homeless – Baltimore
Horizons for Homeless Children
National AIDS Housing Coalition
National Alliance on Mental Illness
National Alliance to End Homelessness
National Association for the Education of Homeless
National Center on Housing and Child Welfare
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
National Coalition for the Homeless
National Health Care for the Homeless Council
National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty
National Low Income Housing Coalition
National Network for Youth
National Network to End Domestic Violence
Partnering for Change
The Raben Group
True Colors Fund
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
University of Massachusetts Boston
Western Center on Law & Poverty
Western Regional Advocacy Project