(December 19, 2022, Washington, DC) – The National Homelessness Law Center (Law Center) welcomes the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness’ new All In: Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness, issued today as the Department of Housing & Urban Development also released its annual count numbers, which at more than half a million people—recognized as an undercount—remains unacceptable in the wealthiest country in the world. The Law Center wishes to highlight the following components:
(November 16, 2022, Washington, DC) – The National Homelessness Law Center (Law Center) will be honoring U.S. Representative Cori Bush, Washington State Representative Nicole Macri, Los Angeles Councilmember Mike Bonin, Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless co-founder Patricia Mullahy Fugere, Alston & Bird LLP and A Bigger Vision Films at the 2022 Human Right to Housing Awards in Washington, D.C. The Law Center is bestowing these awards for work to advance solutions to homelessness in America.
(September 29, 2022, Washington, DC) – On September 28, people experiencing homelessness in Grants Pass, Oregon—and across the Ninth Circuit—could breathe a sigh of relief as their right to survive in the absence of adequate housing was reaffirmed. The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion in Johnson v. City of Grants Pass (formerly Blake v. City of Grants Pass), affirming in large part a 2020 ruling from the District of Oregon and reiterating the framework from the Ninth Circuit’s decision in Martin v. City of Boise that prohibits criminalization of the basic, life-sustaining activities of people experiencing
homelessness who have no alternative housing or shelter.
(March 10, 2022, Washington, DC) – The National Homelessness Law Center (Law Center) and True Colors United are excited to announce the release of the 2021 State Index on Youth Homelessness. The report was last released in 2021, this year’s updated information continues to follow state efforts to end youth homelessness.
(March 10, 2022, Washington, DC) – The National Homelessness Law Center (Law Center) and True Colors United are excited to announce the release of the 2021 State Index on Youth Homelessness. The report was last released in 2021, this year’s updated information continues to follow state efforts to end youth homelessness.