13 02, 2019

Advocacy Groups Take Legal Action on Florida Panhandling Bans


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A group of advocacy organizations and pro bono attorneys are suing St. Johns County Sheriff David B. Shoar and Florida Highway Patrol Director Gene Spaulding on behalf of Peter Vigue, a St. Augustine resident who has been arrested by both law enforcement agencies for standing on the public right of way and holding a sign soliciting donations. The suit, filed on February 12, 2019, challenges the constitutionality of Florida statutes that prohibit individuals from soliciting charitable contributions on public streets and sidewalks without a local government permit but exempt charitable organizations from the permit requirements and other restrictions. [...]

Advocacy Groups Take Legal Action on Florida Panhandling Bans2019-02-13T21:21:39-05:00
12 02, 2019

As Shutdown Puts Families at Risk of Homelessness, Federal Law Protects Children’s School Rights


As Shutdown Puts Families at Risk of Homelessness, Federal Law Protects Children’s School Rights FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Cassidy Waskowicz Acting Director of Development & Communications 202-638-2535 cwaskowicz@homelesslaw.org (January 25, 2019, Washington, D.C.) – Over 2.5 million children experience homelessness each year in the U.S., and advocates fear their ranks will increase due to the continuing government shutdown. As the 800,000 federal government employees currently furloughed or working without pay miss their second paycheck today, some will be unable to pay their rent or mortgage--putting them and their families at risk [...]

As Shutdown Puts Families at Risk of Homelessness, Federal Law Protects Children’s School Rights2019-04-11T15:54:53-04:00
10 10, 2018

Photos from the 2018 National Forum on the Human Right to Housing


Over 150 advocates gathered in Washington, D.C., to attend the 2018 National Forum on the Human Right to Housing on June 27 hosted by Sidley Austin LLP. Photos are available on the Law Center's Facebook, and follow #Right2HousingForum on Twitter for updates.

Photos from the 2018 National Forum on the Human Right to Housing2019-04-11T19:21:35-04:00
17 12, 2012

Report: Millions of Renters at Risk of Eviction and Homelessness


Release Date: December 17, 2012 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty released a report showing that, for many low-income renters, the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act is all that stands between housing and homelessness. But if Congress fails to act, that law will expire at the end of 2014. Homelessness has risen dramatically since the beginning of the foreclosure crisis—including a 16 percent increase among families in major cities. But while public attention has been focused on homeowners, research shows that 40 percent of families facing evictions due to foreclosures are renters. In some populous [...]

Report: Millions of Renters at Risk of Eviction and Homelessness2021-04-26T12:29:02-04:00
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